NPC Athlete Spotlight: Mike Termini

Today’s NPC Athlete Spotlight is Bodybuilder Mike Termini
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Athlete Spotlight: Mike Termini 

NPC Competition History:

2006 NJ Muscle Beach 2nd, Open Light Heavyweight
2007 NJ Gold’s Classic, 1st Open Light Heavyweight
2008 NY Brooklyn Grand Prix 2nd Open Light Heavyweight
2008 NY Eastern USA, 2nd Open Light Heavyweight
2009 NY Atlantic States, 2nd Open Light Heavyweight
2009 Jr. Nationals, 2nd Light Heavyweight
2009 Nationals, 9th Light Heavyweight
2010 NJ Gold’s Classic, 3rd Open Heavyweight
2013 NJ Muscle Beach, 1st Open Light Heavyweight
2013 North American’s, 2nd +35 Light Heavyweight, 11th Open Light Heavyweight

When  is it going to be your turn to step on stage? Go back into the NPC News Online site and check out the rules, contest schedules and more..Make it a reality! Go Now.

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